The purpose in teaching a child to play the violin is
"...for the child to build a noble soul,
to develop an appreciation of beauty,
to give a sense of purpose to life,
to learn the discipline of acquiring a skill and
to become a fine human being."
— Shinichi Suzuki
The Suzuki Method is named after Shinichi Suzuki, an educator and violinist who believed that all children can be nurtured through love "to become fine human beings," and develop great ability. Dr. Suzuki found that little children could be taught to play the violin in the same way that they learn their native language: by beginning early, in a loving, nurturing environment, with the best teachers - including their parents, who have the greatest impact on their development.
His philosophy of teaching children to play the violin has been applied to other instruments and early childhood education methods. His ideas have changed music education around the world.
Taking “Suzuki lessons” means:
Beginning lessons with your child at a very young age, typically between the ages of 3 and 7
Listening to the finest recordings of the music that your child will learn to play
Participating in your child's lessons, and receiving training so that you can have fun practicing with your child at home